Size of my brain

Come, read and rest your brain (maybe) forever

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Upcoming holiday!! uuhmm...ok...weekend getaway :)

So can not wait for our April trip to...(hint: smallest country in South East Asia).
This trip will be special as it will be the first trip where 3 of us together! Yaaaayyy...pasti seru yah...just cant wait.
Masih 1 bulan lagi, tapi excited luar biasa (can't stop smiling).

Sebenarnya sih trip ini akan lebih seperti "business trip" juga untuk bisnis baru kita: Icarus Kids Online (
So, even mommy has to work, we still can have fun!!

Ok, mulai browsing2 segala travel blog dan travel website. Karena tema dari trip kali ini adalah...semi-backpacker!! *istilah apa pula itu*

>> Update: Akhirnya setelah mempertimbangkan satu dan lain hal, ga jadi pergi bertiga. Gpp yah, nak. Let's pray for June's trip...for your bday's trip :)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

How many suns are there in the sky?

These couple of days, I do think there are 17 suns in the sky. At least!!!
Jakarta is unbelievable hot these days.

*Menatap AC di kamar, masa mesti ganti yg 2.5 PK* -_______-;;

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Welcoming long weekend

Surely need a break from all of these *melihat sekeliling kantor*
But for now, let's plan where to have lunch today :))

And ah also, in today's to do list: these beauties from UP

Pretty, aren't they?? *berkaca2...terharu...teary eyes*

Thursday, March 15, 2012

About (some) people

Some people just simply think they have the right to comment on every single thing in your life.
Most of the time, it doesn't add any value and doesn't have any impact (especially positive ones). So, why bother?
Chin up, move on, stay gorgeous!!

*kembali browsing2 sepatu*

Event akbar tahunan

Lapor pajak tahunan! Perasaan udah tiap tahun isi and ngumpulin yang beginian, tapi ga pinter2 juga ngisinya! I am not getting better....*buka2 contekan lagi*

Dan melihat sekeliling kantor ini...ternyata I am not alone. Banyak juga yg bingung2 menjurus panik. Ada juga yg ngomel2 sampai yg lompat2 (ini ngapain yah ngisi SPT pake lompat2).

Yah, urusan pajak memajak ini memang selalu jadi cerita tiap tahun :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

(Not) a usual Thursday

First of all, I forgot to apply mascara and it's not normal :)
Icarus was so cranky when I left him for work this morning. It has been sometimes since last time he cried seeing me off for the office.
My wedges is broken at the office, so now I am wearing sandals *___*

Gossh...what a morning.
But the cheese sticks brighten up the morning...they are delicious ^^

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Icarus (will) go to school

Sekolah oh sekolah, kenapa biaya sekolah sekarang ini menjadi amat sangat "tidak sopan" *mewek*
Biaya preschool per bulan ga jauh beda dengan gaji gw waktu pertama kali kerja, pls bear in mind, dalam hal ini biaya preschool nya lebih besar!! *mewek lagi ah*

My dear Icarus,
We still promise you that you will have an amazing and great schooling experience, though.

Monday, March 5, 2012

We're going to church

...with style :)
Thanks for the orange GAP tee, auntie Anggie and uncle Mike! It's just sooo fresh!!
And of course my yellow sneakers are the attention stealers as well! Thankies mommy...*hihihihi emak2 narsis*

Sorry for the blurry was a bumpy road!

The great excitement when you are waiting for a package to come!
Online shopping is truly one of the greatest invention in human history *^^*

*bolak balik lirik2 meja resepsionis*

Sunday, March 4, 2012

(Not) a perfect way to end my weekend

Sunday night at 11 PM, waiting for fast food delivery and watching Junior Masterchef TV show! Not a good combination, at all!!

The whole weekend itself was awesome, though. Give thanks to Him :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Little treasure of mine

When life gets unfriendly or daily works get nasty, these are what I turn my eyes to:

And life is just simply awesome!!

My current obsessions

 Stacy Keibler in Oscar 2012 red carpet! The smile was awesome, the hair was perfect and the dress...MAGICAL!! Love the dress to the max! But I am still not a big fan of Clooney (penting! catet!!)

 Lola pink from UP and this is definitely in my wishlist this month!

Found this Kate Spade handbag picture HERE, love love love...

The three of us

They say family is a gift from God, and I found it's 1000% true. Noone can give this kind of perfect gift but God alone :)