Size of my brain

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

(Finding) the reason to fall in love (again)

Jangan pada sotoy yah baca judulnya. Ini bukan soal cinta2an ala abege, bukan soal falling in love again sama pak suami juga (kan sayah in loph eperidei sama pak suami...*tersipu-sipu* *silakan muntah*)

So, this is about, falling in love all over again with my job, my worklife.
Gosh, it has been a rocky year for me and these couple of months I realize that I actually in the searching of reason(s) to fall in love again. Work wise.

I am writing this one day before my 9th anniversary with this company/group. I have been soooo freakin' lucky to get the chance to see the world and work with various people in various position. Not many company can give you this opportunity. I know!
Along the years I have to admit, despite of the ups and downs, I can say I loveee (or at least trying my best to love) all the jobs I performed. Even at the lowest point where you were beaten up so badly (sampe kena mental - istilah kerennya), still love is in the air (yaakkk mari muntah bersama).

This past year, it has been soooo hard for me to get that old loving vibes back. Perhaps because I am getting older (yes, 25 can be considered old is some culture! *umpetin KTP*) or perhaps because I am just simply stop myself searching for the vibes. Dunno.

And as I said, these couple of months, things are getting clear. Perhaps of new fresh air, new challenges or new salary *wink* (you wish! in your dream!), but all I know the vibes are here. Slowly but sure. I just need to pull myself up together again and start believing in my brain to do her magic (I need a loooootttt of magic, dear brain. Pls help me!).

To my friends who read this post (and you know who you are), thanks for just being there and making fun of our brains. And to my friend who reminds me of the fact that I am 1 out of 3 out of 6000 applicants that made the cut, thanks :)

And how in love I want to be with what I am doing? Just look at FUN. when they perform their music. They look so damn happy when they sing and play the music. And that's where I aim to be. me and my job.

1 comment:

  1. maksudnya aku yaah? *.*
    mari semangat karajoooo..

    karena semua perasaan itu, cuman perasaan adek siren sajah.. aselinya mah, kita pintar! dewa! *matek*
