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Monday, October 15, 2012

Don't be a selfish mom

Sekitar akhir minggu lalu, gw baca postingan ini dari one of my favorite blogger.
Dan sambutan akan tulisan itu memang luar biasa, terutama dari para ibu2. Bener2 teriakan suara hati banget deh.

So, I have been a mom for wonderful 2 years and 4 months (lebih beberapa hari). And it's the most adventurous journey, EVER!
Dari awal punya anak, nyokap gw udah wanti2 kalo I HAVE to take care of myself first. Tidur selagi bisa tidur, makan yang bergizi, make sure pemulihan C-sec gw sempurna. I just love my Mom and can't imagine if she was not there for the first 3 weeks.

Dan gw setuju sm nyokap, bagaimana gw mau merawat si bayi merah kalo gw sendiri tak terawat atau even sakit? So, tekad gw dari awal adalah I will enjoy every second of motherhood! *kibas rambut*

Gw lakukan hal2 kecil yang bikin gw happy, I dont stress myself as I dont want to stress the baby. Gw mandi dan keramas, walo ada larangan 40 hari gw ga bole keramas (ini nenek moyang yang bikin tradisi ini pasti kutuan deh rambutnya!). Logika gw simple, kalo gw ga keramas, itu rambut jadi sarang kuman, debu, sarang laba2...masa iya gw nyusuin bayi, tidur sama bayi, gendong bayi?? Apa ga sesak nafas anak dan suami gw?

Selama masa cuti melahirkan, gw juga sangat rajin shopping onlen...yah tentunya berkisar di barang2 bayi. Shopping makes you happy, right?
Gw hire 1 ART dan 1 nanny. Too much? NOT for me.
Sempat sih sodara2 and mertua juga komen, bayi baru lahir gitu mah ga usah pake nanny. Nanti aja tunggu gedean. Entah kenapa gw merasa itu prinsip yang salah. Justru saat2 itulah we need helps. Masa2 baru melahirkan, new mom on the block, masih amatir, kagok, emosi tak stabil not to mention baby blues if any.

So, nanny/helper/mom/in-laws whatever help you can get, just get it!
Lagian gw kan juga kerja, jadi hire nanny dari awal begitu gw tinggal ngantor nanny nya udah pinter dan bisa gw percaya.

Being a mom doesnt mean you have to end your life. You need to embrace your life, live to your fullest and make sure you are happy with your life because there's a new little creature who
depends his/her life to you.

Don't be selfish by drawning yourself into the wrong steorotype of motherfood (kumal, ga keurus, stress, acak2an, tereak2 emosi, etc). You baby needs the best of you, physically and emotionally.
Don't be selfish...go out, go to spa, get a massage, go shopping, do gardening, watch movies, lunch date with your husband or your friends. Do whatever to get yourBESTself and bring it into your home. To your baby, to your husband, to your family :)

Dan mengutip postingan blog Mbak Lei:  never, ever defend yourself. EVER. You’re the mom, you know what’s best!!
*juara banget deh ini di tengah2 suasana tak kondusif emak2 kepo dan kompetitip di society belakangan ini*

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